Gethsemane Missionary
Baptist Church

Every Sunday
Sunday School: 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Worship Service: 10:00M -
Every 1st Sunday
Every Wednesday
Noon-Day Bible Study: 12:00 pm
Intercessory Prayer: 6:30 pm
Bible Study: 7:00 pm - No dress code, come as you are!
Our History
The cornerstone reads 1866…
History is defined as a branch of knowledge with past events…events that have had an impact on our lives.
How can one know there is a God if he does not look back at where God has brought him?
….164 year

In 1860, Reverend Freeman…A white minister from Popular Springs Baptist Church, in the Sutton community, organized the Gethsemane Baptist Church. The early congregations met under a Bush Arbor, a tent made of limbs, until 1866, under the leadership of Reverend Boyd, the first elected Pastor.
Reverend Herman Pear, the second elected pastor, served the Gethsemane congregation for forty-four (44) years until his death. In 1888, during the leadership of Reverend Pear and appointed Trustees, one acre of land was purchased from Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fowler at TEN DOLLARS ($10.00). This acre of land was located along Louisburg Road adjoining the land of Sidney Williams and Margaret Chives for use of “A Colored Baptist Church”.
For the next fourteen (14) years the congregation saw quite a few turnovers in Pastors for the church. The following ministers served the Gethsemane congregation:
- Reverend L. J. Alexander, 1 year,
- Reverend G. B. Felts, 2 years
- Reverend C. W. Todd, 3 years,
- Reverend C. J. Stokes, 1 year,
- Reverend J. H. Jones, 2 years,
- Reverend G. W. Moore, over 21 years,
- Reverend J. H. Clanton, 3 years,
- Reverend J. E. McGrier, 3 years
- Reverend A. L. Morgan, 9 years
Once again Gethsemane found itself without a Pastor and at this time, Reverend A. L. Daye took the position of Pastor and served for two years. Reverend Cobb succeeded Pastor Daye. During Reverend Cobb’s leadership, the fellowship hall was completed.

From September 29, 2017 until May 05, 2018, we were once again without a pastor. Through corporate fasting and praying, on May 6, 2018 God blessed us with an Interim Pastor, Dr. Johnny B Hill. God blessed this ministry on March 31, 2019 when Dr. Johnny Bernard Hill was installed as pastor.
God has blessed our congregation to continue to grow. Today we have approximately 518 in membership and numerous ministries. Our Sunday School, Bible Study, Christian Education Ministry and Missionary Department continue to teach of God’s promise.
We, the members of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, give God all the Glory and Honor for opening doors and making a way through the years. We continue to strive to be the people of God, and to lift Him up so others can be drawn to Him.
May 2024
Our Pastor

Dr. Johnny B. Hill
A noted scholar, Dr. Hill is the author of Prophetic Rage: A Postcolonial Theology of Liberation and The First Black President: Barack Obama, Race, Politics, and the American Dream. He has written numerous articles and essays and presented at colleges, seminaries and universities across the nation.
After a military tour, Hill earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Morehouse College, a Master Degrees in Divinity and theology at Duke University Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in Philosophical Theology at Garrett Seminary. He is Founder and President of The World House, an interfaith coalition of faith leaders from diverse religious and cultural traditions working together to continue Dr. King’s dream of racial and economic justice.
Dr. Hill is the loving caring father of two children, Regan Ariana and Jonathan Charles.
On January 04, 2019, Dr. Hill was elected to serve as Pastor for the Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church.
Our Mission
It is the mission of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church to bring glory to God by:
- Loving him through fellowship with His people through membership and commitment to each other
- Adoring our Savior and God through public worship and praise
- Involving God’s people in serving Him and others by traning and equipping them through preaching, teaching and discipleship for the purpose of harvesting souls for God’s Kingdom
Our Beliefs
We believe that the Body of Christ has many members and that each person is a member. The blood of Jesus Christ has set us free; but not free to do as we please.
We believe we should be governed by rules and regulations, which we all agree to for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace and unity.